Reading List for Conversational System (ConvSys^)

^Note that ConvSys is also referred to as Dialogue System in literature. We go for ConvSys for the consistency with the topic of Conversational Recommender System.



Schedule & Research Papers

CS6101 Module LogisticsProf Min-Yen KanWeek 2
Overview of Dialogue System? (TBD whether we keep this section)TBD?Week 2
Introduction to Subtasks of Dialogue System
[Slides To Come] [Scribing Notes To Come]
TBD, Xu Lin, Yuxi XieWeek 2
End2End Models for Dialogue SystemTBDWeek 4
Frontier Topics and ConclusionTBDWeek 4
Agenda for Week 2 and Week 4.

Following are the details:

Module Logistics (Week 2)

Overview of Dialogue System (Week 2)

Introduction to Subtasks of Dialogue System (Week 2)

Traditional Pipeline for Task-oriented Systems. Chen SIGKDD '17

End2End Models for Dialogue System (Week 4)

Frontier Topics and Conclusion (Week 4)